Little Man as "The King" (the later years)

The Costume

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Hunka-Hunka Burnin' Love

Thank you.... Thank you very much

Elvis has left the building.....
I'm usually fairly modest-- but is this not the greatest toddler Halloween costume ever??
who needs a dissertation?!
You have a career in toddler costumes.
I think that I'm just a frustrated and repressed party planner at heart... it's a problem.
the cats eyes in the pictures are realy creepy by the way, but little elvis looks great how are you going to do his hair
from ds
Holy crap--that costume is fantastic. I was going to ask where you bought it, and then I read that you made it. C is on to something!
I don't know about the hair-- he's such a sweaty little guy, that I'm afraid that anything I put into it would just melt down onto the white costume
That is way too cute. I totally want to pinch his little cheeks! That costume rocks.
Now, if I can ever get my ass on that penguin costume I promised Skeeter . . .
Friggin' awesome. Hilarious.
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