Lately, though, I've been itching to write something. So just to catch you all up (is anyone even there anymore?):
- Little Dude (H) was born on Sept. 13. He was not inclined to come out on his own, so we forced him along.
- H is wonderful. He is the sweetest little thing I could have ever imagined. He rarely cries; he sleeps fairly well; he smiles and laughs all the time. I'm in love, again.
- I have no job prospects, and I'm surprisingly ok with that. I defended my dissertation in August, and while it's sad that no one, besides my committee, will ever read the thing (There will be no Book without a Job), I'm happy to be done with it. I'll deposit it sometime in Jan., and call it a day.
- J has been having some health problems with his Crohns. He'll have surgery for it next week.
- We're waiting (hopefully) to see where J gets a job. He better get a job. If not, we're kind of screwed.
- If he doesn't get a job, we'll move somewhere fun. Ohio is not fun.
- Did I mention that I'm in love with little H?